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Translation Basque -> French

Translation Basque -> French is a Chrome extension developed by It is a free browser add-on that provides automatic translation of Basque words into French, Spanish, or English.

When learning Basque, vocabulary can often be a challenge. While using flashcard systems like Anki can be helpful, reading remains one of the best ways to learn new words. However, constantly looking up every other word in a dictionary can be tedious and disrupt the reading flow.

To address this issue, this small extension automates the word search process. To get the translation of a Basque word on a web page you are reading, simply select the word and a small orange bubble will appear above it with its translation in French, Spanish, or English. The extension utilizes the Google Translate engine, so occasionally the translation may not be "optimal".


  • Get a translation: Select the word and the translation appears in an orange bubble above it.
  • Enable/disable automatic translation: Click on the icon -> check/uncheck the box.
  • Select the language for translation: Click on the icon -> choose the language.

For developers:

TODO (when I have time):

  • Display a list of translated words at the end of the text.
  • Automatically create Anki flashcards with translated words for further practice.

Program available in other languages

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